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Vent Mesh Products 


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Vent Mesh:  Black PVC Coated Fibreglass Insect Mesh​

18 x 16 x 0.11 x 30m rolls


Pre cut widths available ex-stock for next day delivery.


Standard insect mesh, the flexible  fibreglass reinforcement mesh is fused at each joint for strength and then coated with black pvc.


Applications:  Window & door screens, louvres, roof soffit ventilation, cladding, rainscreening, and other Industrial Applications.


Insect enclosures, zoo's, research establishments.





Vent Mesh:  Stainless Steel Woven Insect Mesh

16 x 16 x 0.22mm.diameter x 25m rolls


Pre cut widths available ex-stock for next day delivery.


Standard stainless steel plain weave insect mesh, offers greater durability(than the fibreglass mesh), greater resistance to being knawed through by vermin. No uv issues. Commonly used on Commercial Buildings.


Applications:  Window & door screens, louvres, roof soffit ventilation, cladding, rainscreening, and other Industrial Applications.


Can be used for Reptile Vivarium & Terrarium, other custom enclosures.

black PVC coating Fibreglass fibre glass fiber fly insect bug flyscreen insectscreen flymesh soffit Vent Mesh Rolls stock bulk distributor merchant oem cut uk width flies wasps mosquitoes
stainless steel woven wire  metal fly insect bug flyscreen insectscreen flymesh soffit Vent Mesh Rolls stock bulk distributor merchant oem cut uk width flies wasps mosquitoes
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